What is the Eligibility Criteria?
Applicant must be a Full-Time Singaporean or PR Student whose parent is a Singaporean or PR verified and active PDVL, TDVL or Carpool Ryde driver-partner. They will be eligible to apply for REMA 2024 via this Application Form: https://forms.gle/KawUt34haWuNrC5U8.
Applicants who possess outstanding academic results, and/or outstanding co/extracurricular activities record with insightful and reflective personal experience have greater potential to be shortlisted for REMA 2024.
What if I submit the documents after the Application Period?
With valid reasons, appeals can be submitted to marketing@rydesharing.com with the subject title of “REMA 2024 Application Appeal - [Applicant Full Name]”.
While appeals submitted will be reviewed and evaluated on a case by case basis, they are not guaranteed to be accepted for REMA 2024 applications.
How do I know if I will be proceeding to the Interview Round?
The shortlisted applicant, with the exception of students aged 13 and below, will be contacted directly by the Ryde Team for information regarding the next stage of application via the email address and/or mobile number provided in the Application Form.
Ryde driver-partners, whose child is aged 13 and below, will be contacted instead.
What is the Selection Process?
Shortlisted applications may undergo 3 rounds of review. Round 1 is the documentation and verification purposes. Round 2 will be an interview, focusing on communication and goal setting, and Round 3 will be the last interview for final review and selection.
When will the results be out?
The student applicants and/or their Ryde driver-partner parents will be notified of the results via the provided email address or mobile number in the Application Form in January 2025. A Letter of Offer as well as a Media Release Form will be shared with them to facilitate the acceptance process. The Awards Ceremony will likely take place in February 2025.